Want to celebrate a special team member who lives out our values?
Submit a Kudos Card!
How to submit a Kudos Card:
1. Click on the Kudos card below that you would like to submit.
2. Fill out the employee's name who you want to send the Kudos Card to, their job title and description (if you know it), your first and last name, and a message telling the employee why they deserve Kudos.
3. Save the file and send it in an email to strongertogether@esmw.org. We'll forward the Kudos Card on to the employee.
Each month, winners are selected from the submitted cards to receive Easterseals swag and gift cards. Winners are chosen by the Stronger Together Committee and announced each month in our Stronger Together newsletter. The information on winning Kudos Cards may be shared throughout the organization or highlighted on social media.