At Easterseals, we’re leading the way to 100% equity, inclusion, and access. And we’re going there together.

We used your input to create our next Strategic Plan. It includes the goals, aspirations, and initiatives that we want to implement and achieve over the next three Fiscal Years. This is the plan that will guide us into the future of Easterseals, and we’re going there together.


We’ve determined five promises we want to make to our donors, team, the people and families we support, our stakeholders, and our community:

  1. Our services will focus on whole-person care, independence, and its impact on the people we support, their families, and the community.

  2. We will advocate for the people we support, our workforce, and our community.

  3. We will invest in our workforce to retain, develop, and attract mission-driven talent.

  4. We will be financially strategic to fuel innovation, growth, and financial sustainability.

  5. We will utilize technology to capture, analyze, and use data to drive our programs and their success.

To uphold these promises, we’ve decided to focus on three transformation categories: Missouri, Kansas, and Technology.

Each category includes an overall goal, objectives to help us achieve them, and initiatives we will implement to get us there.

Goal: We will expand services, form partnerships, and diversify funding to meet the needs of people with disabilities by:

  • Launching a Home Health Program strategy.

  • Launching a Crisis Residential Support Services strategy.

  • Launching a fully functioning Technology Enabled Support program.

Here’s a closer look at how we’ll do it:

  • Encourage more employee engagement.

  • Provide management training and leadership development.

  • Recruit a diverse pool of candidates from many different communities, backgrounds, and cultures.

  • Advocate for an increase in state funding to support our programs.

  • Advocate for an increase in federal funding to support our innovative projects.

  • Share data on how we’re delivering our services through program outcomes.

  • Increase our fundraising to make up 5% of our annual budget.

  • Build strategic partnerships and affiliations among potential collaborators.

  • Review how we’re doing through a quarterly service portfolio.

Goal: We will expand services, form partnerships, and diversify funding to meet the needs of people with disabilities by:

  1. Launching an Autism Services Expansion strategy.

Goal: We will create an infrastructure to introduce managed care and value-based contracting in Kansas by:

  1. Launching a Value-Based Expansion strategy.

Here’s a closer look at how we’ll do that:

  • Recruit a diverse pool of candidates from many different communities, backgrounds, and cultures.

  • Build strategic partnerships and affiliations among potential collaborators.

  • Advocate for an increase in federal funding to support our innovative projects.

  • Increase our fundraising to make up 5% of our annual budget.

  • Build an infrastructure to support managed care and value-based contracting in the state.

Goal: We will use technology to enhance the efficiency of our programs and drive innovation by:

  1. Launching a fully-functioning Electronic Health Record.

  2. Building an infrastructure for Technology Enabled Supports.

Here’s a closer look at how we’ll do that:

  • Put a strategy in place and create a tool that shares the outcomes of our program delivery.

  • Provide management training and leadership development.

  • Increase our fundraising to make up 5% of our annual budget.

  • Review how we’re doing through a quarterly service portfolio.


Does some of this sound familiar? Here’s a look at the crossover of our strategies across each of the three categories.